Ever wanted to display the users submission from Umbraco Contour on a Thank You page, but didn't know how to access the API? Well, this post is for you.
This could be adapted as a confirmation page to a PayPal payment form post or simply to let them know that the submission was successful.
Here are the steps:
1. Create a "Thank You" page under the page that contains your Umbraco form.
2. In the Settings area set the Thank You page as the new page you just created.
3. Create a new Razor macro with the following code and allow it to be inserted into the Rich Text Editor
@inherits umbraco.MacroEngines.DynamicNodeContext @using Umbraco.Forms.Mvc.DynamicObjects @{ var approvedRecords = Umbraco.Forms.Mvc.DynamicObjects.Library.GetApprovedRecordsFromFormOnPage(Model.Content.Parent.Id, "YOURFORMGUID"); var submittedRecord = Request.QueryString["recordid"]; if( !String.IsNullOrEmpty(submittedRecord) ) { <ul> @foreach( var record in approvedRecords ) { if( submittedRecord == record.Id ) { <li> <em>@record.Created.ToString("dd MMMM yyy")</em> @foreach( var field in record.RecordFields ) { // First, build table rows for non-editable fields var sThisField = field.Value.Field.Caption; var sThisValue = field.Value.ValuesAsString(); <p>@sThisField - @sThisValue</p> } </li> } } </ul> } }
4. Drop the Macro into the Body Text or RTE of your Thank You page that you just created.
That should look something like this:
Now you can modify that to be an invoice, form to post for payment, or whatever you need.